Gathering of the Vibes 2014 | Seaside Park Bridgeport CT
2 galleries
Gathering of the Vibes 2014 Photo Galleries. This is all I have time for to post right now. Processing the hundreds of band shots and such will have to wait until it is over Sunday night while I collect more images from around the venue this afternoon and Sunday. Peace
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51 imagesThe Gathering of the Vibes with Dark Star Orchestra performing. Photographs of the Band in Concert and the Audience having a blast. Some photos are away from the Main Stage. The last photo in this gallery is an overall photo of the Green Stage with Dopapod performing.
13 imagesA select few images of our happy Vibe Tribe photographed around the camping areas. More to come. Gathering of the Vibes '14. These first 13 photos were seen on the big video screens over the main stage between acts on Sunday, possibly Saturday as well.